STATEMENT OF PROBLEM AE response time on submittals and DCRs not meeting expectation of contractor. Delays and schedule impacts; friction between parties. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARNED There were some issues during the early steel submitting, but after that the process went smoothly.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Physical lay down space was less than desired. This is pretty common with press relocation work where the bay of work is the only space available for construction. Physical lay down space was less than desired. This is pretty common with press relocation work where the bay of work is the only…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Need clear expectations of what items are existing. What is to remain, or be removed. Confusion to bidders; cost increase due to field orders. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARNED Work more closely with AE''''''''s to capture as-built conditions at project completion, and to verify condi…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Disconnect between RE&F intent and what was stated on drawings. Increased cost of purchasing new bus duct. COURSE OF ACTION Purchased new bus duct (increased cost). LESSON LEARNED Work with AE to develop more clear expectations for reuse.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Sometimes we lack detailed information for scrap conveyor system (i.e. routing, sizes, clearances, etc.). Multiple iterations of engineering. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARNED Great upfront support. AE was provided with a scrap conveyor route and 3D model in the beginni…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The concrete was demolished using a jack-hammer, which caused some higher noise levels and led to one recordable. Also, there was a corporate safety audit that took place at the same time that identified the noise hazard. The Plant was notified of the noise and the employees were suppose to b…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Additional floor support is required to support the elec. platform. schedule delay as elec platform cannot be installed until floor is poured. COURSE OF ACTION Poured floor before installing platform (schedule delay). LESSON LEARNED Capture Pontiac AA0 solution and incorporate into drawi…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Broom finish allows oil buildup. Build up of oils create long term house keeping and safety issues. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARNED Use trowel finish as standard. Discuss with plants on a project by project basis.
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Too tight/unrealistic to begin with; Should work with Press group as early as possible to meet agrreement; Contractor disagreed with tolerances although they were part of the contractor documents, no bid clarification question. Potential concern for fabrication and setting tolerances; meeting…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Lacking detailed information for routing (i.e. elevations, dimensions, sections, etc.). Contractor claimed responsibility for system locations, which were already coordinated in 3D environment. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARNED Work with AE to develop a common understanding of expecta…