STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Drawings lack as installed detail regarding floor support at the cam box. lack of detail drives cost in additional material, work, and direction. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARNED Work with Press Engineers to gather detailed drawings of field fixes from previous install…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Some confusion over fire protection in the infill area. It was included in the South Bay, but not included in the Middle Bay. Scope delineation was not clear, and wasn''''t addressed until after award. Resulted in a field order. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARNED Needs t…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Precision surveying requirements not clearly defined in contract documents; Contractor not performing as frequently with signed-off documentation between Owner-Contractor-AE. Unclear expectations to the contractor; potential cause for errors. COURSE OF ACTION None LESSON LEARN…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Should the design been issued as a 3D deliverable, or was the 2D deliverable with 3D coordination model adequate? Disconnect between what was coordinated in the 3D model, the actual 2D contract documents, and what was constructed. COURSE OF ACTION Require 3D design LESSON LEAR…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Two tie rod pockets were cored in the wrong location. One dimension provided by the Press Group was transposed incorrectly, which migrated into the contract documents. The holes were cored per the drawings. The discrepancy was not discovered until press install, which caused some schedule del…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM They wanted to work off the rails of the basket while being tied off. Not safe, even though there is an OSHA exception. COURSE OF ACTION Not allowed even though there is an OSHA exception. LESSON LEARNED If a process is going to be used that is non-standard, make sure all …
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Missed from original bid documents, not matching Pontiac drawings; Late information from Owner, after contract award; Inadequate detail on engineer''''''''s drawings for routing, material, and details. Schedule impact; increased cost due to field order. COURSE OF ACTION Field ordere…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM During the bid, the reuse of the steel was offered as a voluntary alternate that GM accepted. In theory, the concept made sense. However, during construction many issues were discovered with certain members that was not evident on design drawings or as-builts. Did not yield as much savings as…