STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Both sets of drawings were submitted, reviewed, and approved by CCC and Chrysler. CCC Trades laid out the installed the pits per the Gala drawings. When we set the dock levelers, they sat above the finished floor. The leveler pit bottom was 4" too high. COURSE OF ACTION Demo and rep…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Even after compaction of limestone sand, the concrete trucks would create ruts while crossing the grade. Extra grading would be needed as concrete was being placed to reduce this rutting. COURSE OF ACTION: The limestone sand was replaced with crushed limestone where feasible to provide a m…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: One of the main portions of work that we were tasked to complete was building a 120,000 square foot addition that directly tied into the existing plant. Unbeknownst to the project team at bid time, the existing building columns were out of plumb and leaning away from the addition. The first row …
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Column line Abe, as shown on the print (Trans 23, 948-0170-700-709), is not shown in the correct place on the floor. The print shows (45-0 + 4-0) 49''-0", but it physically measures about 53''-3". (4''-3" discrepancy) The install team started install from the East and worked to the W…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: For the structural steel portion of this project, a Manitowoc 555 was brought in to erect the building. The 3 issues we ran across were that we needed a suitable crane mat, we needed to grade out the site, and we needed to complete numerous underground storm repairs, (most were not designed yet)…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: There were several penetrations in various locations that required cutting/coring, weatherproofing, patching, etc. that our subcontractors had excluded in their original estimates. The cutting and patching involved with these tie-ins not specifically shown on the drawings, and was not covered in…
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The condition of the erected and finished white structural steel was deemed unacceptable by FCA/CCC. During pre-bid discussions, it was determined that white paint from Prospect''''s fab shop could pass as finish paint. Schedule delays and seasonal conditions caused wear and tear on the SP3 stee…