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GM Pontiac Guardrails and Bollards Design

: STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Guardrails and bollards design varies for each plant based on what the plant has for existing standard and what management wants to use. Because of this, there was confusion between the team members on the type of guarding that should be used/installed. For interior guardrails protecting …

GM Pontiac Substation W Equipment Floor Loading Issue

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM CCC received the substation equipment shop drawings from GM late in the project, at end of July. In August CCC worked with GM on the rigging plan for hoisting the new substation equipment into the penthouse. IBI performed a structural analysis of the penthouse framing steel and the hoist beam…

GM Pontiac Tooling Cart Trenches Dimensional Error

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM During the revisions being made to the Rotem drawings, on revision 5 Rotem changed the width and depth for one of the two tooling cart rails for each tooling cart rail system located between the presses (4 sets of rails total). The trench for the rail became wider by several millimeters and deep…

GM Pontiac Scope Definitions

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM For utilities at A-line there were descrepancies between the scope demolition/relocation photos and the final direction. When a scope item calls for a utility at a column to be "secured to column" that does not mean "relocate". COURSE OF ACTION N/A LESSON LEARNED May be be…

GM Pontiac Overhead Doors System Design

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The (3) blank receiving overhead doors for this project were desired to closely mimick the blank receiving doors at LGR stamping plant addition. However, it was unknown what all of the control features were or how they interfaced. It was only known that buried loops and traffic lights were re…

GM Pontiac Press Pit Lighting Fixtures

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The lighting fixture designed for the press pit and tunnel lighting went through IBI and GM approval and the photometric calcs were discussed several times. However prior to installation, the electrical subcontractor realized that the fixture was not listed in GM OneSpec. Triangle notified CC…

GM Pontiac Process Utility Holes Over Press Pit

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Once the press pit steel design was complete, CCC provided the pit framing steel model / 2D drawings to GM to provide to Rotem for their use. Rotem placed approximately 45 openings through the rebar SOD, and provided the 2D process drawing to GM/CCC. This drawing underwent 10 revisions by Rot…

GM Pontiac Mechanical Equipment Control Wiring Design

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM There were significant delays in obtaining control wiring drawings from the mechanical subcontractor for the cooling tower, the ARUs, and the substation W HV units. This led to several delays with the electrical installation of the unit controls as the electrical subcontractor could not do an…

GM Pontiac Fire Alarm Design Review

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The electrical subcontractor contracted Siemens to perform the fire alarm design. The drawings were submtited and reviewed by IBI and were also reviewed and approved by the city/fire department. However it was identified after the fact that the fire alarm drawings did not include smoke detect…

GM Pontiac Column Coordination Log

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Due to the amount of the utility drops at columns for this project being on the lighter side, a column coordination log was forgone and instead any and all column coordination was performed in regular 3D coordination meetings between CCC and its subcontractors. The primary reason for the colu…

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