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Showing articles from HVAC tag

HVAC Unit Placement

Project Phase: Design Delivery Method: EPC (Engineer Procure Construct) Statement of Problem: The original project scope required for all grade-mounted HVAC units for convenience of maintenance. However due to the higher cost of grade-mounted units, CCC team qualified their original bid with all rooftop u…

Fabric Duct Air Distribution

Cost Savings for utilizing a fabric duct (duct sox or equivalent) for air distribution in lieu of standard sheet metal duct. This product is perforated with holes for a very consistent distribution over standard sheet metal/diffusers. Material itself is fairly cheap and simple to replace in comparison to replacing da…

Engineering Structural Steel to Accommodate future rooftop loads

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM In design-build, the rooftop HVAC units and equipment are typically not final-sized at the time the structural steel framing is completed. Typically the engineer up-sizes the joists or trusses at the unit locations but sometimes they do not increase the size sufficiently to accommodate the fl…

Negative Air Pressure in Labs

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Relocation of the Analytical Lab to WRRF involved CCC adding on to the plants existing Lab. The existing Lab had been in use for many years and it never occurred to us to check the negative air pressure in the Existing Lab. It appears after further investigation that the existing Lab had never h…

VFD Miss /Electrictal Scope Coverage

STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Part of the scope for the Analytical Lab project was to replace the existing AHU Motors, VFD''s, and Controls on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floor of the New Administration Building. The problem was that the control sub-contractor excluded it from their contract and the electricians contract stated "r…

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