May 07, 2021
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: The condition of the erected and finished white structural steel was deemed unacceptable by FCA/CCC. During pre-bid discussions, it was determined that white paint from Prospect''''s fab shop could pass as finish paint. Schedule delays and seasonal conditions caused wear and tear on the SP3 steel that was delivered and unloaded. Even after Prospect Steel switched to an SP6 prep, the finish was still not adequate in the eyes of our customer. Quality issues with prosects'''' steel - mil thickness of paint, rust showing through. Need to thoroughly review the spec mil thickness and paint product and ensure fabricator is meeting it. COURSE OF ACTION: CCC resorted to contracting A&S to finish paint all structural steel from bottom chord up, (Seaway included in base bid bottom chord down) on a time and material basis. The majority of this cost will be covered in the Prospect Steel back charge due to the poor condition of their paint finish. LESSON FOR FUTURE PROJECTS: Read through specifications for the project as well as the specific paint being used to understand what the shipping and storage requirements/recommendations are. Be wary of relying on shop painting to pass as finish paint, include the finish painting of all structural steel in base bid pricing if poor conditions are expected. |