Apr 29, 2021
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM The lighting fixture designed for the press pit and tunnel lighting went through IBI and GM approval and the photometric calcs were discussed several times. However prior to installation, the electrical subcontractor realized that the fixture was not listed in GM OneSpec. Triangle notified CCC of the issue to clarfiy if the fixtures were acceptable. The issue was that the LED fixture selected for the pit and tunnel did not meet the housing durability standard of the spec. For these applications GM typically employs fluorescent lighting in basement areas. EI-1 stipulated to use 8'''' long linear fluorescent fixtures. However these were not practical due to the amount of piping/utilities in the pit. CCC held a meeting on 6/6/16 with the GM team to review what fixture to use and the GM Electrical Engineer desired to use the GE Albeo fixture which is being integrated into the latest GM specification / EI-1. CCC submitted DCR 119 on the change and the work was added to COR #21. COURSE OF ACTION Triangle quoted for changing to the GE Albeo LED fixtures and re-ran the photometric calculations based on the desired fixture type. The additional cost was covered in COR #21. In this case the proper course of action was taken before the installation ocurred. LESSON LEARNED EOR must ensure that the fixture meets all aspects of the spec. All substitutions from spec must be communicated and approved by the EOR and the GM Engineer. |