Apr 29, 2021
Statement of Problem - The building was designed and coordinated in 3D, the civil site work was designed in 2D and not part of the 3D master model. This led to poor coordination between the building/site utility connection points, as well as some utilities and equipment pads which were coordinated incorrectly. Summary - Early in the project it was difficult to coordinate the 2D civil design with the 3D Fire protection design. The FP subcontractor did their own site fire loop design in 3D, but the leads constantly did not work with civil. This is in part because the FP subcontractor did not understand the spacing separation requirements for their piping vs. the other site utilities (storm & sanitary). This led to frustration between the FP engineer and civil engineer. There was an issue where a bathroom in the 3d model was moved to the opposite side of the building. Later it was found that while the bathroom moved location and was coordinated in the 3d model, the site sanitary line connecting to the bathroom did not get relocated in the design because Civil was not aware of the change. Line had to be added in after the fact. |