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Home > Lessons Learned > Automotive > Structural > GM Pontiac Northeast Corner Grade Beam Issue
GM Pontiac Northeast Corner Grade Beam Issue
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During design of the site, civil designed for an exterior grading elevation which was higher than the top of the grade beam elevation at the NE corner of the building. At this location there is a narrow gap between the building grade beam and the ring road (about 3''''). Originally a curb was not included at the south side of the road near the NE building corner. However one was added in the field between CCC and GM due to concerns over water drainage from the ring road towards the building. Issue:
1) Civil design failed to notify structural design that the t/grade beam needed to be raised at this corner. The civil design was completed near the same time as the foudnations. As such, CCC installed the grade beam as drawn and later in the job when CCC performed the final grading, the issue was discovered.

CCC evaluated the design issue with IBI for an acceptable solution since the ring road could not be changed and changing grading could not mitigate the issue. The final solution required cutting the siding and forming and pouring an extension to the grade beam.

There needs to be better communication between the Civil and Structural departments.

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