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Demolition Subcontractor Management
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Project Phase- Construction/Installation
Delivery Method- General Contract-Prime

Schedule Delay- Adamo fell behind during demolition of existing tooling in the Body Shop for several reasons. Inexperienced workforce was the biggest contributing factor along with union problems. Not only was the union unwilling to work with Adamo, they were also unable to provide experienced operators to perform the work. That contributed to them falling behind schedule, and also causing plant damage. Several trusses were damaged during demolition along with removal of equipment that was supposed to be salvaged, including twenty drinking fountains, equipment platforms, and a transformer.
Adamo also fell behind during the final trim out of the truss space. Again there was a shortage of experienced laborers that could operate a torch safely and efficiently. That caused an excessive punchlist, and CCC personnel to assist Adamo in completing their punch list in a reasonable time frame. This also contributed to cost for CCC, due to long hours and overtime.
Schedule Delay- The subcontractor draining the oil from the motors attached to the tooling that was to be demolished fell behind during the environmental remediation operation due to insufficient manpower. This caused undue hardship on CCC''s part to find alternative resources to complete the work.

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