May 07, 2021
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: No determination was provided from KUKA on the anchoring of the Kawasaki Robot RTU (7th axis robot) until the equipment arrived. It was then learned that the holes in the bases were suitable for 5/8 mechanical anchors and not 5/8" chemical anchors since the holes in RTU base were not large enough to drill 5/8 chemical anchor for epoxy requirements. Need 3/4" holes for the epoxy. COURSE OF ACTION: Customer originally proposed that CCC place the RTU base, align and level, mark the holes through the base, remove the base, drill holes and place anchors, reinstall base over the anchors. This was certainly not practical if at all possible. If we were to remove the adjustment screws and drill epoxy through base, we would likely damage the threads in the base. It was finally determined to use mechanical anchors in the jack screws of the base and add angle clips outside the base and use chamical anchors to hold clips in place and weld to the RTU base LESSON LEARNED FOR FUTURE PROJECTS: Verify anchoring methods during bid process. Most, if not all, RTUs and robots bases receive chemical anchors. Kawasaki perhaps at one time used mechanical anchors and had issues. They may still be using RTU bases for mechanical anchor installation. CCC does not install many Kawasaki robot RTUs that I am aware of. |