May 07, 2021
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM During the design process CCC was provided with a Rotem drawing with several sheets detailing the press foundation requirements. An enlarged elevation called for a "can" cast into the pier to allow for bolting the press anchor rod (hand hole). The drawing showed the can height at 300mm. However on a separate drawing it showed the can having a width of 500mm which was overlooked by the A/E. The A/E assumed a can of 300mm height and 300mm width. The A/E specified for a HSS 12"x12"x5/16" for the can. This was to be larger than the 300mm square (11.8"x11.8") opening that was assumed to be required, and had been used on previous press jobs. During design this solution was discussed with the GM team on both facility and process sides, and they were aware of the final design being a HSS 12x12 and raised no issue. The cans were built and installed as designed by the A/E, and the press was installed without issue. However, after install GM cited the error on the cans not being the proper width. COURSE OF ACTION No corrective action was required on this issue, but it could have been catastrophic had the cans not been wide enough for anchor rod install. Even though Press group reviewed the final can design, the width discrepancy was not caught by anyone on the team. LESSON LEARNED 1) Need better oversight from the AE. 2) Need to have the press supplier do a cross-check of the foundation drawings to ensure that critical items like the cans are correct per the press foundation drawings. 3) The Engineering Manager needs to provide better oversight on ensuring the foundations design reflects the press design drawings. |