Apr 29, 2021
STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: After completing the polishing of the concrete floor in the Production CMM area, the customer noticed that the metal fibers that were added to the concrete were now visible. This became an issue in trying to meet the 85 DOI FCA spec requirements for the floor, as it exposes and pulls up a lot of fiber. COURSE OF ACTION: The fibers were noticed by the customer prior to the seal coat being placed in the concrete. The polishing contractor informed us that the fibers would be much less noticeable after this seal coat was installed. A small area of concrete was then sealed and examined by the customer and CCC. The finished product was bought off and the remainder of the polished floors were completed. LESSON FOR FUTURE PROJECTS: When polished concrete is required with fibers, either a different mix design without fibers should be used, or the customer should be made aware of the potential of exposed metal fibers in the finished product. CCC will set up a lessons learned meeting with the FCA Building Group to discuss this issue more in depth. When bidding FCA work, CCC should also offer Hoover Wells as a highly recommended alternate for floor polishing because they are the only contractor who can meet the required specifications. Also need to discuss this knowledge with customer letting them know of the risk of the exposed fibers/meeting the DOI finish and communicated early/in the prepour meeting. |