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Home > Lessons Learned > Automotive > Rigging-Installation > Datum Points Not Correctly Coordinated
Datum Points Not Correctly Coordinated
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8575 GM Ultium 2 Battery Plant



1. Bass Datums were not coordinated correctly/accurately. In turn, system integration was challenging.

2. Avaco did not have the skilled help they needed on site. 

3. The schedule was built to construct all of Pancake Line-3, and then, all of Pancake NnD Input Lifters. However, the building columns + lack of space, forced out team to construct the Pancake Line-3 and Nnd Input Lifters at the same time. In turn, Utlium did not have RTSO access to Pancake Line-3 when they previously anticipated.



1. The surveying company that did the brass datums did a poor job. Their work was not checked until we found problems in the field.
2. Their company did not know the man power required to execute the job efficiently + many logistics problem tied up Avaco resources.                        3. Building columns were not provided in original bid documents.



1. This made it so that we had to rough set and then wait for Lee to Anchor all equipment, then we returned to anchor ours. We were not on site to anchor much of the lifters and conveyor.

2. CCC supported the best week could.

3. Get out in front of this and alert Ultium/IICC



1. Make sure a reputable company is doing the datums + send a team verify them

2. Ask ahead of time, track all lost time + inefficiencies

3. Get this in front of the customer as soon as possible and explain the scenario.



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